
Cheap Lamello 145020 Fixo Self Clamping Biscuits, Mixed Blister Pack (40 E20-H and 40 E20-L) Sale

Lamello 145020 Fixo Self Clamping Biscuits, Mixed Blister Pack (40 E20-H and 40 E20-L)

Lamello 145020 Fixo Self Clamping Biscuits, Mixed Blister Pack (40 E20-H and 40 E20-L)

  • Connects and clamps with one strike
  • Curved ridges in Fixo biscuit pull the material together
  • No clamps required, Fixo biscuit supplies clamping pressure
  • "H" style Fixo biscuits join vertical members for carcass construction and boxes
  • "L" style Fixo biscuit join horizontal members for mitered frames and face frames.

Lamello 145020 Fixo Self Clamping Biscuits, Mixed Blister Pack (40 E20-H and 40 E20-L)
Fixo Self Clamping Biscuits connect and clamp with one strike, curved ridges pull joint tightly together, use with any biscuit joiner - no tool investment, no clamps = no waiting time, cut groove in both work pieces simultaneously, use with wood and wood composites, available in vertical and horizontal sizes, ideal for: face frames for doors or furniture, cabinet bases and toe kicks, extensions for boards and profiles, picture frames, on-site repairs and much more.

Come pay a visit to one of several Internet's largest choices of Lamello 145020 Fixo Self Clamping Biscuits, Mixed Blister Pack (40 E20-H and 40 E20-L), offering those items in such favorite models at reasonable price range. Plus Fast Delivery in Selection of Lamello 145020 Fixo Self Clamping Biscuits, Mixed Blister Pack (40 E20-H and 40 E20-L).

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